Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 40 - More Shots...

In honor of doing my 28th shot today I thought I'd post a pic that Ben snapped the other evening while I was going through the drill... We're getting pretty good at this! :)

Probably just one more week to go with the injections then it will be egg retrival and time to make some embryos!! :) Fingers crossed!!!!!


  1. Haha...I love that you have a picture pre-shot! How is stimming going? Can't wait to hear about your retrieval! Hope you have lots and lots and lots of good follies!

    When is your ET? Wondering if we are going to transfer around the same time?

  2. Haha...Thanks, Emily!! We're just trying to stay light-hearted this time and not get too serious. Taking pics...etc! It's been really fun so far and helped keep our stress down.

    So far stimming is going really well. My doc is hoping that ER will be the 18th if I can make it that long, so my ET will be sometime shortly after that. Last IVF we did a day 2 ET but that was because we only had 2 embies and they thought they would do better in me rather than the lab. This time we hope to get more embryos so maybe we can make it it days 3, 4 or 5. To answer your question my ET will be (God willing) on Nov 21, 22 or 23.

    When are you scheduled to do your FET?

  3. Gotta love the sharps box! I like to think of it as the new trend in kitchen-counter accessories...!!!

  4. I love that you're trying to keep things light-hearted. I think you have to do that after having been let down before. It's easier to protect yourselves to and to be able to live a semi-normal life. Also, it's really healthy for your relationship. I am glad things are going so well! Your ET will be potentially on the same day as my first beta (11/23) if I make it to ET this time. That's cool! It's been such a comfort having others going through such similar situations. =)

  5. A: Love it!! You're totally right...I think my sharps container is very becoming in my!

    Sonja: Light-hearted all the way!!...last time we were so serious and stressed out that I feel like I had the wrong energy swirling through my body for it to have worked. (Well, that's what I'm telling myself this time so I can work on having a happy womb for a happy embryo...I know I sound nuts, but so far it's working to keep my spirits bright!!)

    Thanks so much for your also helps to keep me smiling. I've got my fingers crossed for a good ET and BFP for you!!!!!!!!!

  6. Found you via LFCA! We're dealing MFI (low count, low motility, low morph), as well, and probably looking at IVF sometime next year!

    I'll be following along! Hope this cycle is it for you! Come on BFP!!!


  7. Just came over via another blog - just want to say good luck, and I love your attitude! We try to keep things light and fun also, and it really helps. Good luck on the rest of your stimming, and at your ER/ET! Here's hoping for a lot of good looking, mature eggs! GOOD LUCK!

  8. Lin & Brooke:

    Thanks so much for the positive comments!! It really brightens my day to have all the bloggy support!! :)

  9. Found you through LFCA! I too am from Ohio. I noticed in your profile it said Cincinnati. I am not far from there, 45 min. southeast. Which office do you go to?

  10. My RE is Dr. T.hie. She works through B.ethesda Fertility Clinic and works with Dr. H.offman. I have heard lots of good things about your Drs. also.

  11. Here from LFCA...and wishing you ALL the best on IVF#2. I hope this is it for you. :-)
