Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 60 - CRAMPS!

I have strong feelings of menstrual cramps this morning which has me freaking out. No spotting, but definitely cramps. SHIT!! What does it mean? Am I about to start my period?? Is this normal in early pregnancy? I HAVE NO IDEA!! I have never been pregnant so I don't know what it feels like, but I have gotten my period a lot and I sure as hell know what that feels like.....SHIT!!! I'm a nervous wreck!!!....UGH!! I wish I knew what was going on inside my body....3 more whole days of waiting....AHHHH!!!

(I still refuse to take a home pregnancy test. My beta is scheduled for this Friday and Ben has taken the day off so that we can be together and either spend the weekend celebrating or mourning. We don't want to find out mid-week since the results are too intense either way.)


  1. I actually had the strongest feeling that I was about to start my period when I was pregnant. That's why I didn't test right away. But then those feelings faded and no period came... I'm still hoping for you!!

  2. I felt EXACTLY like my period was coming. Today is 9dp5dt (ie. 14 DPO), right? The one thing that was obvious to me (looking back on it) was the increased CM. Are you a regular-AF-starter on 14 DPO or does it vary with you? Hang in there ... you're in the home stretch now!!! *big hugs*

  3. I hope that your story echoes that of the other commenters and it's just a sign that the little beans have nestled in! Thinking of you...

  4. I am praying so hard that it's like the first two commenters!!! Come on baby(s)!!!

  5. Hmm. I just left a comment, but it didn't publish. That is weird! Anyway, I'm hoping it's like the first two commenters for you! I'm praying hard- come on baby(s)!!

  6. I have been running every 15 minutes to the bath room the past few days because I had this intense feeling that AF was coming in town. But I got a positive HPT yesterday. And the Blood test is tomorrow (so crossing fingers). But I definetly think it is a good sign.

  7. Sounds like cramps are a good thing! =) Keep thinking positive - especially now when it's so easy to psych yourself into thinking the worst. XO

  8. Yikes I'm sorry for more worry foryou Cilla! How crappy. But I've decided that cramps are overrated as a sign of a BFN. I've been getting them on and off all since right before my beta (at 13dpo). I've decided not to let a few cramps get my panties in a knot (so to speak). Unless they are severe cramps, I wouldn't worry. If they are severe I'd call the RE.
    GOOD LUCK!! You're almost there!

  9. I am praying for you!!!! I have heard lots of people say they feel like AF is coming and then find out they are pregnant! I hope this is it: )

  10. I think that cramps could be a great sign for you! I love reading all of your updates. Friday is going to be here soon!

  11. I am rooting for you Priscilla, I just failed my first IVF cycle and I hope that isn't the case for you. Don't test and wait until Friday!


  12. Oh, I can imagine how stressed out you must feel! I am praying they are early pg symptoms!!

  13. Wish I could give you something solid. With our fresh cycle I got cramps and then got my period. With our FET I got the same cramps and then got a BFP. Cramps are sneaky...they can go either way.

    Hoping yours goes the good way. :-)

  14. Ahh Cilla love, I'm so sorry. From what i read it sounds like this is a good sign. Keep that pretty little face smiling. I will keep the prayers coming. If you need anything let me know :)

    Brooke W

  15. Try not to worry too much, Cilla! Take care of your self, do stuff you enjoy and try to relax! I know that's impossible right now, but keep your head up!
    Molly M
